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Alchemist, Healer, and Psi Mentor
My names is Robert aka Trebor. I am a self taught practitioner and freelance teacher of Psychokinesis. My teachings include Telekinesis (moving objects), Aerokinesis (moving air), Atmokinesis (weather control), Biokinesis (biological organisms), Hydrokenisis (water), Pyrokinesis (moving fire) and other psychic abilities.
I have been performing telekinesis since March of 2011. My demonstrations and tutorials are available at www.YouTube/treborseven. You can learn telekinesis on your own for free at www.TelekinesisSchool.com, or visit www.TreborSeven.com to access my seven private PK tutorials. If you’re an Ormus user or interested in homeopathy please visit www.SacredSupplements.com.
The Egely Wheel is surprisingly accurate at detecting and measuring the chi emitted from the hands during telekinesis. With a numerical scale of 1 to 24 the lights and sounds provide real time bio feedback allowing practitioners to troubleshoot and document their progress.
I use Qi Gong, meditation, breathing exercises and monoatomic elements aka Ormus to cultivate chi. The Egely Wheel is a great tool to measure this life-force energy before and after energy cultivation practices.
I use alchemy and Psychokinesis to charge the all-natural supplements I use and sale on my website SacredSupplements.com. The Egely Wheel is a great to ensure my chi levels are adequate to produce optimal results.
Though new to the Egely Wheel, with eleven years of experience practicing and teaching telekinesis, I was eventually able to achieve readings peaking as high as 23 with both my left and right hands. I discovered higher levels when rotating the wheel towards the hand. i.e., Turning the wheel left when using the left hand and right when using the right hand. Search “Trebor Seven” on You Tube to see my demonstration.
Telekinesis practitioners will be quite familiar with the technique used for turning the wheel as it is much like turning a Psi wheel, which is a small piece of paper or foil balanced on a needle. The Egely Wheel disc is far more stable than a Psi wheel allowing users to reach maximum rpm’s without the erratic wobbling and direction changes commonly experienced when using foil or paper.
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I do Qi Gong (5 elements or other) and deep breathing exercises to get my energy level up and flowing.
Telekinesis works best for me when energy is high and brainwaves are slow. I do 20 minutes of transcendental (no thought) meditation after Qi Gong.
Do not try to turn the wheel, but rather focus on breathing energy in and allowing it to flow down your arm and out through your hand. The wheel will naturally turn on its own.
Trebor Seven
Want your own Egely Wheel? Click here:
As with telekinesis, it’s all about your emotions, mindset, and energy. High energy, slow brainwaves, and a happy, nonchalant approach is ideal. Experiment with hand postures, breathing techniques and time and location of your practice sessions to find what works best for you.
Want your own Egely Wheel? Click here:
The difference between these two devices comes from their design. While both devices will give the user an indication of vitality levels, they do so in very different ways.
The Vitality Meter provides the user a definite value for the numbers of rotations, using the electronics that are attached to the wheel. It’s an easy and concrete way to ensure that your telekinetic abilities are improving, or how much your energy work and meditation is boosting your vitality.This is your VQ, or vitality quotient, which quantifies your life energy level.
The Vitality Indicator is used more for fun and practice.The Vitality Indicator is smaller and more portable, making it great for a quick check of your energy level or a bit of training during a spare moment in your day. It is possible to count the number of rotations on the Vitality Indicator, but it is not recommended. Doing this takes a different state of mind from the one recommended while using this device, and it will decrease the vitality level.
– Best regards,
Alchemist, Healer, and Psi Mentor
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